Thursday, November 02, 2006

This just in . . .

Some of my medical tests are beginning to come back. Just in case you were curious . . .

I have mono!


(Did you know it was possible to get it twice? Well, it is.)
(I kept telling Rog, "This feels a lot like mono!")

SOOOOOOO nice to have a name for it!


Anonymous said...

Congratulations on getting a diagnosis. Now, let's get you feeling better. Yes, I read your blog on occasion, too.

Anonymous said...

I don't know whether to give congratulations or condolonces. Hope you're back to your best self soon.

Anonymous said...

Sorry about the mono. There was an Elder in my mission who had Epstein-Barr syndrome, which I guess is a recurring mono. If your doctor didn't mention this, perhaps you might ask her. I don't knpow if the treatment would be any different.